'And I AM A STRANGER.': Becoming Ruth
With Dr. Avivah Gottlieb Zornberg
Tuesday, April 21st
7:30 pm
Hillel at UCLA
Ruth is a stranger in more ways than one. Who is this unknown woman who is destined to become a mother of royalty? What is the process by which she finds her way into a foreign and unwelcoming culture and religious tradition? How does destiny come out?
World-renowned Torah scholar and winner of the National Jewish Book Award (for The Beginning of Desire: Reflections on Genesis) Dr. Avivah Zornberg will return to Hillel at UCLA and present her thought-provoking talk on another fascinating topic from the Torah.
Avivah’s previous books: The Beginning of Desire: Reflections on Genesis (list $20) and The Particulars of Rapture: Reflections on Exodus in soft cover (list $22) The Murmuring Deep: Reflections on the Biblical Unconscious in paperback (list $20).
Her books will be on sale at our book event.
This program is made possible through a generous gift by Lisa and Alan Stern in memory of their mother Renee Salovesh.