High Holy Days

Did you know? Your ticket purchase helps Hillel offer free services, meals and holiday celebrations throughout the year to thousands of Jewish Bruins.

Rosh Hashanah Erev - Sun. Sept. 29
Rosh Hashanah Day 1 - Mon. Sept. 30
Rosh Hashanah Day 2 - Tues. Oct. 1
Kol Nidre - Tues. Oct. 8
Yom Kippur Day - Wed. Oct. 9

All services are held at Hillel at UCLA: 574 Hilgard Ave Los Angeles, CA 90024

 Orthodox (O) | Traditional (T) | Liberal (L)



EREV: Sun. Sept. 29 – 7:00pm T | L
Please join us for a festive Kiddush following the service

DAY ONE: Mon. Sept. 30 – 9:30am T | L

DAY TWO: Tues. Oct. 1 – 9:30am T




KOL NIDRE: Tues. Oct. 8 – 6:15pm O | T | L

DAY: Wed. Oct. 9 – 9:30am O | T | L
Yizkor 12:00pm | Mincha 5:00pm | Neilah 6:00pm O | T
Yizkor and Neilah 6:00pm L
Shofar will be sounded at 7:04 pm, then please join us for light break-the-fast refreshments.

All-Inclusive $285 online
Rosh Hashanah (Erev and Day 1) $180
Rosh Hashanah (Day 2) FREE to all
Yom Kippur (Kol Nidre and Daytime) $180

(Young adults up to 36 years)
All Inclusive $185 online
Rosh Hashanah (Erev and Day 1) $136
Rosh Hashanah (Day 2) FREE to all
Yom Kippur (Kol Nidre and Daytime) $136

Students attend FREE with Registration & School ID (student only registration link)

Walk-ins welcome, pre-paid ticket holders receive priority seating.

Come prepared to enjoy familiar nigguns (tunes) anchored in a spiritually uplifting, traditional service facilitated by Rabbi Aaron Lerner along-side singing sisters, Yael and Ronit Aranoff.

Rabbi Aaron Lerner, Hillel’s Executive Director, embodies a pluralistic and inclusive approach to Jewish life, having originated from an intermarried family and later receiving rabbinic ordination by Yeshivat Chovevei Torah. Before the rabbinate, he graduated from USC’s Marshall School of Business and spent more than a decade in commercial real estate finance. Now, Rabbi Aaron is entering his eighth year at Hillel at UCLA. Combining an entrepreneurial spirit with a deep appreciation for Jewish tradition, Rabbi Aaron’s leadership has seen Hillel innovate and scale some of the most effective Jewish identity building and pro-Israel programs in the country. You’re invited to partake as Rabbi Aaron leads the service he has become known for: religiously engaging, spiritually fulfilling, and focused on integrating Jewish wisdom into modern day life.







Yael and Ronit Aranoff, highly-acclaimed performers and artistic creators return for their tenth season of High Holy Days at Hillel at UCLA, following in the tradition of their mother and aunt who cantored at UCLA Hillel for 25 years! Together, the Aranoff Sisters create a musical dynamism that inspires a next level of High Holy Day introspection and spiritual connection — an experience not to be missed.





A sacred and nontraditional service that will uplift your soul, challenge you to be better, and connect you to the sacred awe of the High Holy Days. Service will feature instruments and use technology.

Rabbi Alex Kress is Hillel at UCLA’s inaugural Peter J. Rubinstein Reform Senior Jewish Educator. His innovative approach to Judaism attempts to blend our sacred tradition with the spiritual needs of the 21st century. After serving a synagogue on Long Island, Rabbi Alex has returned to LA with his wife, Michal, and children, Aria & Caleb, to join the Bruin family. No matter your background, Rabbi Alex looks forward to exploring Judaism, celebrating our holiest days, and repairing our world together.   






Stephen Brickman is a Songleader, Educator, and Songwriter/ Producer based in Los Angeles. He founded the Sing-Together Project, a communal singing initiative that builds community and positivity. From Jewish summer camps and youth movements to house concerts and institutions across the country, Stephen is looking forward to singing in community at UCLA with you!






An inviting opportunity to enjoy the traditional holiday prayers, following the Hebrew text of the Machzor (prayer book). The Tefilah (prayer) will be enriched by frontal teachings, providing a meaningful High Holy Day Kol Nidre experience.

RABBI ARYEH KAPLAN & SHARONA KAPLAN, MSW have represented the Orthodox Union Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus (OU-JLIC) at Hillel at UCLA for the past sixteen years. OU-JLIC and Hillel’s national partnership places an Orthodox, Rabbinic couple on select campuses to serve as Torah educators and mentors for Jewish students. Bringing with them expansive experience in Jewish education, programming, community building and engagement, the Kaplans’ warmth and passion inspire students and community members alike.






Orthodox Services will be held at Hillel for Yom Kippur. For Orthodox Rosh Hashanah offerings, please contact [email protected] or 310-871-5526.

Nearest parking is UCLA’s Parking Lot 2 at the corner of Hilgard and Westholme, just south of Hillel on the opposite side of the street.

$13/day or $10/day with handicap placards. Please click here for more parking information.

Please note that there is no parking available at Hillel, however the City of Los Angeles has relaxed parking on surrounding neighborhood streets during the High Holy Days ONLY. PLEASE NOTE: NO PARKING on Strathmore Drive or 600 block of Westholme.




Services are available on a sliding scale for those in need.

For more information contact [email protected] or 310.208.3081x214


(310) 208-3081 | 574 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024 | EIN #46-0573247

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