Welcome to UCLA Hillel’s Beit Midrash!
Our library has an exceptional collection of over 1,500 Jewish books, ranging over 3,000 years of Jewish knowledge, philosophy, law, and tradition. Come for yourself and witness our $100,000 valued digest of Jewish thinking, and we’ll find that book with your name on it! Our library will get you the Jewish knowledge that you’re looking for, just show up and put your mind to the test. The shelves are stacked with books from top to bottom, we’re just waiting for you to pick out the one that’s right for you.
Book of the Week:
With the advent of increasing propaganda on social media, it becomes ever more important for all supporters of Israel to learn the truth and uphold our values and positions. In Alan Dershowitz's The Case for Israel, learn all about the roots of this historic country, the steps it has taken to the country it is today, and all the challenges it faced along the way. Presented in an unbiased and expository way, any and every student should be knowledgeable in Israel's case and their position as an established country in the Middle East.
Contact Benny Ganjian for more optimal recommendations!