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We will explore the complex history of Joseph, left for dead in a pit, sold as a slave, finally viceroy of Egypt. Consulting midrashic sources and other commentaries, traditional and modern, we will attempt to trace the trajectory of his inner life. Psychoanalytic and literary material will aid us in our quest: What happened to the light in Joseph's face?
AVIVAH GOTTLIEB ZORNBERG is the author of The Beginning of Desire: Reflections on Genesis, for which she won the National Jewish Book Award (JPS 1995, paper Schocken 2011), and The Particulars of Rapture: Reflections on Exodus. (Doubleday 2001, paper Schocken 2011) Her latest book is: Bewilderments: Reflections on the Book of Numbers (Hardcover–February 24, 2015). She was born in London and grew up in Glasgow, Scotland, where her father was a Rabbi and the head of the Rabbinical Court. She studied with him from childhood; he was her most important teacher of Torah. She holds a BA and PhD in English Literature from Cambridge University. After teaching English literature at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, she turned to teaching Torah. For the past thirty years, she has taught Torah in Jerusalem. Dr. Zornberg holds a Visiting Lectureship at the London School of Jewish Studies. She travels widely, lecturing in Jewish, academic, and psychoanalytic settings.
Co-sponsored by: The New Center for Psychoanalysis (NCP) in Los Angeles
Lovingly sponsored in memory of Gloria D. Nimmer